Somategrity Academy was founded by Dr. Julian Wang in 2015. It is an organization devoted to promoting the Somategrity Healing System and also a platform for top-tier systems of healing arts worldwide. In this cozy and relaxing environment, people can freely learn, carefully think and inspire their innate intelligence thoroughly. It has been our consistent belief to respect the intelligence of the human body and use natural and harmless methods to improve health and treat diseases. We expect more and more advanced trends of thoughts being presented here. In the near future, they will gradually form a torrent of thoughts which are able to fill the existing deficiencies of mainstream medicine. This is the most sincere hope in our hearts, and we believe, it is also the greatest expectation of our patients.

然學海無涯,本學會自2018年起,將與全衡理念契合的國外優質講座引進國內,期許國內醫療水平能與先進國家同步。至今學會已引進歐洲 ETGOM Cyriax肌骨醫學體系、澳洲Manual concepts體系、美國Anatomy trains筋膜學體系、紐西蘭McKenzie診療體系等,誠可謂海納百川,百家爭鳴,各領風騷。

「中華全衡學會」是推廣全衡復健體系的園地,也是匯集國內外頂尖復健體系的平台。在這個交通便利、舒適放鬆的空間,人們可以無拘無束的汲取新知、慎思明辨、啟發智慧。參悟人體大智慧,用自然無害的方法解決病痛是我們一直以來的信仰與堅持。期待未來有更多的先進思潮,在學會交流激盪著,並逐漸形成思想洪流,填補現有醫療模式的不足。 這是我們心中最真切的殷盼,相信也是深受病痛煎熬患者最大的期待。