神之手 Sharon Wheeler
羅夫學 / 結構整合 系列講座之三
Rolfing and Structural integration Series (3)
Workshop Description
The Tail End of the body seems to receive a generous number of accidental impacts. And these impacts can distort the relationship between the bones and distort the actual shape of the bones in the region; the sacrum, coccyx, pelvis, and femur.
Sharon will give a guided tour of structural landmarks through this complex region. These landmarks give you a guide to evaluate good structure from damaged structure. Relevant Structural Integration work will be reviewed as well as specialized BoneWork for the remediation of any bent bones or badly healed breaks throughout this region. Students will be able to exchange sessions to receive help for their own Tail End troubles and we will have models for practice as well (with supervision).
Note: this course is intended for manual therapists of all backgrounds, including but not limited to, Structural Integrators.
Sharon Wheeler
(莎朗惠勒) 導師
Sharon Wheeler導師於1970年獲得結構整合認證,是羅夫學(Rolfing)始祖Ida Rolf博士第一屆的得意門生與其“藝術實驗者”之一。Sharon 導師的手感敏銳出眾,在Ida Rolf博士的學生中,無人能出其右。因而Ida Rolf博士曾對Sharon 導師說過: "在我有生之年,你不可學解剖學 !" 就是深怕她受到傳統解剖學知識的制約,限制了她的手感天賦。
自1971年以來,她就獲得了Rolf Movement®的認證,往後並大量涉獵身心學(somatics)領域的多項法門。Sharon 導師目前在羅夫學的CE課程中教授疤痕,骨骼,顱骨和結構整合藝術等課程,本學會將會陸續引進。
日期:2024年12月04日(三) - 12月07日(六)
TailEnd 4 Day Class Schedule
Day 1
09:00 - 10:00 Introductions
10:00 - 12:30 Instructor Model Demonstration
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 18:00 Students Identify Landmarks on Each Other
Day 2
09:00 - 10:00 Check in
10:00 - 12:30 Students Work on the First Half of the Students with Supervision
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 17:00 Students Work the Second Half of the Students with Supervision
Day 3
09:00 - 10:00 Check in
10:00 - 12:30 First Half of the Students Work on Models12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 17:00 Second Half of the Students Work on Models
Day 4
09:00 - 10:00 Check in
10:00 - 12:30 Review and Diplomas
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 17:00 Balance Students & Circle Closure
台灣聯通衡陽停車場: 臺北市中正區衡陽路51號B3-B6
報名費用:NTD$ 40,000元 /人 (未含餐點)
早鳥優惠: 2024年07月31日前(含)完成報名繳費者 NTD 38,000元(不含餐點)
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- 「講座開始日」前30日至前16日間申請退費者,退還70%。
- 「講座開始日」前15日至前8日間申請退費者,退還50%。
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- 研習會以英文進行。講座中提供中文解說。