DAI骨病醫學 (DAI Osteopathic programs)

【2024.10.26-27】線上講座 — 能量手法治療入門 : 結合能量、手法治療、與量子物理學



Introduction to Energetic Manual Therapy: Bridging Energy, Manual Therapy, and Quantum Physics

能量手法治療入門:結合能量、手法治療、與量子物理學 【線上講座】【中文口譯】

D'Ambrogio Institute (簡稱DAI)與世界聞名的Upledger Institute (專精顱薦治療)與Barral Institute(專精內臟手法)並列為國際醫療教育聯盟(IAHE)三大治療體系。DAI創辦人,也就是本研習會的講師,Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio 是一位聞名世界的骨病醫師(DO)。D'Ambrogio 醫師於 1988 年開始講學,已在全球 20 多個國家任教。

DAI自2024年起將所有課程重整,分為: 淋巴(Lymphatic)、筋骨(Orthopedic)、與能量(Energetic)三大學程(curriculum),本學會將陸續引進。本次研習會是能量學程的入門課。

  Course Description 研習會說明



"Introduction to Energetic Manual Therapy: Bridging Energy, Manual Therapy, and Quantum Physics" is a dynamic 6-hour course designed for healthcare practitioners eager to expand their practice with cutting-edge techniques. Taught over two engaging 3-hour sessions, this course introduces you to the fundamentals of Energetic Manual Therapy (ENMT) and its profound connections to Quantum Physics.

Through a combination of lectures, live demonstrations, and hands-on workshops in Zoom breakout rooms, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of what ENMT is, why it is a vital addition to your therapeutic toolkit, and how to seamlessly integrate it into your practice. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills to perform ENMT techniques on yourself and others, providing immediate benefits to your patients, friends, and family.

  Course Objectives 研習目標


•  了解到能量手法治療(ENMT)的核心原理及其與量子物理學的關聯。

•  親身體驗能量手法治療(ENMT)技法的現場演示,並在支持性的互動環境中進行練習。

•  培養您能夠立即開始在自身和他人身上執行基礎能量手法治療(ENMT)技法的能力。

•  掌握自我評估技術,使您能夠建立基準線並見證能量手法治療(ENMT)在療程中發生的微妙而深刻的變化。

•  掌握實用技能,以提升您的治療效果並擴大您的執業範疇。


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

•  Understand the core principles of Energetic Manual Therapy and its connection to Quantum Physics.

  Experience live demonstrations of ENMT techniques and practice them in a supportive, interactive environment.

•  Develop the ability to perform foundational ENMT techniques on yourself and others, empowering you to start using these methods right away.

•  Master self-evaluation techniques, enabling you to establish a baseline and witness the subtle yet profound changes that occur during Energetic Manual Therapy sessions.

•  Equip yourself with practical skills that will enhance your therapeutic outcomes and broaden your practice.

This course offers a unique opportunity to explore the science of energy, quantum physics, and manual therapy, giving you the tools to achieve superior patient results and a deeper understanding of holistic healing practices. Join us and take the first step toward mastering Energetic Manual Therapy.

 創辦人/講師 Founder/Instructor

Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP

  • Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio是一位骨病醫生、物理治療師、與針灸醫師。他是《擺位釋放療法Positional Release》(Mosby)的作者,他的發表文章曾在物理治療、職能治療和按摩治療雜誌中刊登。
  • D’Ambrogio醫生於1988年開始講學,至今已在全球20多個國家進行教學。他是Upledger研究所、Barral研究所和國際醫療教育聯盟(IAHE)認可的認證導師。他創立了D’Ambrogio研究所(DAI),旨在提供全面的整骨手法課程,培訓臨床專家做出更好的患者照護决策。

  Agenda 議程表



Day 1

Section I: Principles of Practice  第一節:實踐原則

  • Three Questions  三個問題

  • What is ENMT?  什麼是能量手法治療(ENMT)?

  • Energetic Anatomy  能量解剖學

  • Quantum Physics  量子物理學

  • Why Learn ENMT?  為什麼要學習能量手法治療(ENMT)?

  • History of ENMT 能量手法治療(ENMT)的歷史

  • Demonstration  示範

BREAK (休息時間)

Section II: Essential Tools 第二節:基本工具

  • Grounding  接地
  • Biofeedback Test  生物回饋測試
  • Tapping  輕敲/點按
  • Calibration  校準
  • Inner Guidance System (IGS)  內在指引系統(IGS)
  • Demonstration of Self Awareness  自我覺察示範
  • Workshop: Self-Awareness  實作:自我覺察
    -Student Breakout Room  學員分組討論
  • Review  回顧
  • Discussion  討論

Day 2

Review Key Principles from Day 1  複習第一天重點原則

Section III: Evaluation 第三節:評估

  •  Clinical Reasons to Evaluate  臨床評估的理由
  • Postural Evaluation  姿勢評估
  • Range of Motion Evaluation   活動範圍評估

Section IV: Protocol & Technique  第四節:方案與技術

  • General Application Principles  一般應用原則
  • Language  語言
  • ENMT Protocol Steps  能量手法治療(ENMT)方案步驟
    - Step 1: Preparation  第一步:準備
    - Step 2: Localization  第二步:定位
    - Step 3: Evaluation  第三步:評估
    - Step 4: Balancing  第四步:平衡
    - Step 5: Re-Evaluation  第五步:再次評估


Section V: ENMT Workshops  第五節:能量手法治療(ENMT)實作

  • Demonstration Self Evaluation & Treatment  自我評估與治療示範
  • Workshop: Self Evaluation & Treatment  實作:自我評估與治療
    - Student Breakout Room  學員分組討論
  • Review  複習
  • Small Group Discussion  小組討論
  • Demonstration Patient Evaluation & Treatment  患者評估與治療示範
  • Workshop: Patient Treatment  實作:患者治療
    - Student Breakout Room  學員分組討論
  • Review  回顧
  • Small Group Discussion  小組討論
  • Demonstration  示範
  • Questions  問答

  Qualification 報名資格

醫師 、治療師、身體工作者(須具備大專解剖學水平)。

Doctors, Therapists , and Body workers.

  Host 主辦單位


Somategrity Academy in Taiwan

  Course Delivery  授課方式

The course is delivered live via the Zoom platform and there is no on-demand replay available after the class.

  Certification 專業認證


Official DAI certificates will be issued upon completing the course.

  Registration Fee 研習費用

報名費用:$ 9600 元/人(含認證費用,不含餐點)  
請記得於   <一週內>   繳費,才算完成報名手續喔!

Registration Fee: $9600 NTD

 ★ Please effect the payment within a week, or the qualification would be failed.
 港澳學員匯款方式請加入全衡學苑LINE官方 ( ID: @408pmkfw )或E-mail : tas.infocenter@gmail.com 來信詢問。

  Registration Process 報名方式

由於講座名額有限制,有意參加者,請填寫以下表單報名,並於   <一週內>    完成繳款,逾期未繳費即喪失報名資格。
**候補學員請勿繳費,待收到“候補轉正取”email 通知後,再行匯款。**

There is a limit on the number of attendees.
If you want to join the class, please press the "BOOK NOW" button below, and effect the payment within a week


  Notice 注意事項

由於日後 「無法補課」 ,請於報名前慎重考慮是否能出席講座。

 The course will be held online without allowing recording or making up, and it would only be translated into Mandarin.

Please make sure the possibility of attending the course before completing the registration. 

【智慧財產權聲明】Intellectual Property Rights 

To protect the intellectual property rights of the instructor, please do not record the the course material in class. 
There will be consequences for violating the law of copyright.

  Cancellation Policy 退費約定

  • 若招生不足,本單位有取消講座的權利。
  • 若因講座取消或改期而導致相關損失(如訂房費,交通費等),恕難由主辦單位負責。
  • 若因不可抗拒之因素而無法舉辦,則該堂講座之報名費全額退費。
  • 若因個人因素無法參加,於「講座開始日」前31日之前申請退費者,酌收行政作業費用 $1000 元/堂(海外學員另有退費行政費用規範)。
  • 「講座開始日」前30日至前16日間申請退費者,退還70%。
  • 「講座開始日」前15日至前8日間申請退費者,退還50%。
  • 「講座開始日」前7日及7日內申請退費或講座當天缺席未到者,恕不退費,日後亦無法補參加講座。
    << 申請退費者,請以 E-mail:tas.infocenter@gmail.com 通知本會 >> 
  • Somategrity Academy reserves the right to cancel the course due to insufficient enrollment.
  • If the course be canceled or postponed eventually, Somategrity Academy is not responsible for extra costs including transportation fee, living expenses, etc.
  • The registration fee will be fully refunded in case of course-cancelation due to irresistible cause.
  • Attendees who give up their spot due to personal reasons, their registration fee will be refunded by a percentage based on the date they applied for a refund:
    1. Applied for a refund 31 days before the course start date: 100% full tuition fee refund, but a 1000 NTD administration fee will be charged.
    2. Applied for a refund in between the period of 16 to 30 days before the course start date: a 70% registration fee refund.
    3. Applied for a refund in between the period of 8 to 15 days  before the course start date: a 50% registration fee refund.
  • There will be no refunds for attendees who are absent from the course, and the refunds cannot be applied within 7 days before the course start date, either.

          Please email us if you need to apply for refunds.  Our Email Address: tas.infocenter@gmail.com


Contact us / 聯絡我們

 100004 台北市中正區衡陽路20號6樓 

- TEL 


- 聯絡人
  (Line官方 ID :@408pmkfw)